“The Witch Hunter’s Amulet” Illustration & Design

Book cover illustration & design for this cover took much research to achieve the authentic feel of the 1500’s era of Inquistions and convey the rich cultural and spiritual tapestry that was India then and still is. Below you will see a snapshot of my drafting table with some test illustrations to warm up with as well as references. Each page of this book is a visual and sensory delight, you won’t regret reading its pages, you can get your copy at <a title=”The Witch Hunter’s Amulet” href=”http://christophermatthewspub.com/?page_id=3601″ target=”_blank”>Christopher Matthews Publishing</a>.<!–more–> Goa, India—16th Century. With the Inquisition extended to Portugal’s overseas territories, Manuel Andrade is sent by the Catholic Church to Goa, India, to arrest witches—the consorts of Satan. In 1564 he arrives in India— deathly ill, he is convinced that in order to recover, he needs to assemble a jeweled amulet. Andrade is ill-prepared to deal with the intricacies of life and the culture in India. The country is on the brink of war between the Hindu Vijayanagar Empire and the Muslim Sultans of the Deccan Plateau. The Portuguese, ever-hungry for territorial expansion and for more Catholic converts, add fuel to the fire, bringing the cauldron to its boiling point. Based on both real and fictional events and characters this novel graphically explores the terrible themes of hypocrisy, persecution and torture that characterized this period. Rich in lush detail, <strong><em>The Witch Hunter’s Amulet</em></strong> allows the reader’s senses to experience the exotic smells, sights and vivid colors of 16th century India.