Putting Spine in your Book Cover Design!
Book Cover Designs for Christopher Matthews Publishing, designed by Armen Kojoyian
As 2014 rolls on through our fourth year of publishing operations we are proud of the challenges we met for our authors and the quality of art and design produced for each title. At Christopher Matthews we don’t rely at all on cookie cutter cover creator software programs to produce your book covers. Each new manuscript we analyze and discuss in detail with our author’s to establish the key conceptual message or graphic essence that must be elucidated visually on a book cover, this attention cannot be poured out of a formatting program for book covers that unfortunately proliferate the internet world of self-publishing module’s. Our book cover’s at CMP are created in the book making craft of the guild system, all original concepts, all original graphic creation or stock art supplied from the most reputable sources, all these components we then merge with the finest type treatments that are required, either of a classical treatment or avant garde flair. Our goal is to “Put Spine in your Book Cover Design” to achieve a creation of pure art that will translate into marketplace success for our authors. Please enjoy our gallery of book cover’s, and visit Christopher Matthews to see what exciting designs we will unveil in 2014 and on into the future!